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"My shampoo doesn't foam much" - is this normal?

22 November 2021
"A shampoo has to foam to clean well." This is firmly anchored in many minds. It might be disappointing to hear, but this statement is wrong. What is really behind or actually IN the foam, you can find out here. We have also added tips for when you use a shampoo that foams less.

Why foam is not so important.

Foam Pinit
Whether through commercials or movies, we are led to believe that a hair full of shampoo foam is a "must have" when it comes to washing your hair. The foam may be entertaining, but it is not necessary. The amount of lather does not influence the cleaning power of a shampoo.

Researcher Franz Wortmann at the University of Manchester explores the structure of hair and the effect of cosmetic treatment therein. In an interview with „Zeit“, he shares his conclusion that foam is entirely unnecessary.

Furthermore, the scientist points out that foam can even have a counterproductive effect. "Without foam, you would need less shampoo," says Wortmann.

The reason why many cosmetic manufacturers prefer their shampoos to rigorously foam is rather driven by the expectations of their customers.

Why do shampoos foam?

Active substances (surfactants) used in shampoos are the driving force behind its cleansing power. They remove dirt particles and sebum from the hair and scalp. Depending on the desired cleaning power of the shampoo or its sought-after foaming, chemists can adapt and mix surfactants.

Good cleaning effect is also achieved with less foaming shampoos.

How to use a less foaming shampoo properly.

Bubble Pinit
Tip 1 - Wet your hair thoroughly

By abundantly soaking your hair, you will rinse off the coarsest dirt allowing your shampoo even distribution across your hair and scalp.

Tip 2 - Emulsify your shampoo in the palm of your hand

Rub the shampoo evenly and thoroughly in the palms of your hands before applying it to your scalp and hair. It will foam slightly and the active ingredients will activate evenly. You also save on the amount of product used. Avoid simply adding the shampoo as a big blob on your head. It is harder to distribute and you need significantly more product.

Tip 3 - Let your shampoo take effect

You only know that from your conditioner? In fact, you can significantly increase the cleansing power of a single hair wash by leaving the shampoo on your head a little longer. Especially if you wash your hair only once a week or use a lot of styling products. Leaving the shampoo on a little longer works wonders.

Tip 4 - Wash your hair twice

Are you not satisfied with the cleaning result after shampooing once? Then wash your hair again. You can wash your hair twice and use less product than the first time. Follow the tips above to achieve the perfect hair washing result

Use the right shampoo for YOUR hair

Shampoo bottle Pinit
Instead of focusing on the lather factor of your shampoo, it's more important to choose the right product for your hair and make sure it cleanses gently.

We know that with the variety of shampoos and conditioners out there, it is not easy to find THE ONE product that fits your hair perfectly.

We have the solution for you. In our manufactory we create your personalized shampoo and conditioner that are precisely tailored to you.

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You are too individual for standard.


Pictures: Header: ©amixstudio -, 1. picture: ©Nattapol_Sritongcom -, 2. picture: ©Matthew Tkocz, 3. picture: ©Yours Truly

Annemarie Graf

Hi, I am a passionate master certified hairdresser and a long term trainer for hair stylists. My place of comfort lays between product development and latest fashion trends. In my blog, I take you into the world of Hair, Clean Beauty and Yours Truly.

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