- Mild deep cleansing for hair and scalp during summertime
- Thoroughly removes impurities, residues and excess sebum
- Ideal pre-treatment for every hair type
- 100% vegan Clean Beauty formula
- Contains ingredients of up to 96,56% natural origin
Available, delivery time 5-7 working days delivery Time.
Moringa Blossom
22,00 € / 200ml
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Die milde Tiefenreinigung für jeden Haartyp!
Schweiß, Verunreinigungen, Stylingrückstände und Talg lagern sich auf Kopfhaut und Haar ab, trocknen das Haar aus, reizen die Kopfhaut und verstopfen die Poren. Das tiefenreinigende Shampoo entfernt die äußeren Rückstände und bereitet das Haar auf die Pflege vor – für einen frischen Kopf und strahlendes Haar. Mit dem personalisierten Conditioner oder der Hair Mask pflegst Du Dein Haar im Anschluss optimal.
Wie das Deep Cleansing Shampoo Moringa Blossom riecht?
Du genießt Deinen Tag im Freien. Während Du auf dem Weg zu Deinen Freundinnen bist, läufst Du über eine herrlich duftende Blumenwiese. Verwöhne Dich mit diesem charakteristischen Duft von Yours Truly.
Ein frischer Duft mit dominanter Note der Moringa-Blüte und einem Hauch von grünem Gras und Bergamotte. Basisnoten aus Ylang Ylang verleihen dem Duft Leichtigkeit.

We are proud to only offer vegan formulas and that this product bears the flower of the Vegan Society.
Complement your hair care routine with care products
Content: 200 ml (€19.50 / 100 ml)
€39.00 *
*The price depends on your country.
5-7 working days delivery Time. Only applies to delivery within Germany and Austria. Other countries may vary.

Content: 200 ml (€17.00 / 100 ml)
€34.00 *
*The price depends on your country.
5-7 working days delivery Time. Only applies to delivery within Germany and Austria. Other countries may vary.

Content: 200 ml (€14.50 / 100 ml)
€29.00 *
*The price depends on your country.
5-7 working days delivery Time. Only applies to delivery within Germany and Austria. Other countries may vary.

Content: 200 ml (€17.00 / 100 ml)
€34.00 *
*The price depends on your country.
5-7 working days delivery Time. Only applies to delivery within Germany and Austria. Other countries may vary.
Content: 200 ml (€19.50 / 100 ml)
€39.00 *
*The price depends on your country.
5-7 working days delivery Time. Only applies to delivery within Germany and Austria. Other countries may vary.
Content: 50 ml (€76.00 / 100 ml)
€38.00 *
*The price depends on your country.
5-7 working days delivery Time. Only applies to delivery within Germany and Austria. Other countries may vary.
€135.00 *
*The price depends on your country.
5-7 working days delivery Time. Only applies to delivery within Germany and Austria. Other countries may vary.
€144.00 *
*The price depends on your country.
5-7 working days delivery Time. Only applies to delivery within Germany and Austria. Other countries may vary.
€158.00 *
*The price depends on your country.
5-7 working days delivery Time. Only applies to delivery within Germany and Austria. Other countries may vary.
Content: 50 ml (€76.00 / 100 ml)
€38.00 *
*The price depends on your country.
5-7 working days delivery Time. Only applies to delivery within Germany and Austria. Other countries may vary.
Content: 200 ml (€39.00 / 100 ml)
€78.00 *
*The price depends on your country.
5-7 working days delivery Time. Only applies to delivery within Germany and Austria. Other countries may vary.
Content: 200 ml (€22.00 / 100 ml)
€44.00 *
*The price depends on your country.
5-7 working days delivery Time. Only applies to delivery within Germany and Austria. Other countries may vary.
Content: 200 ml (€27.00 / 100 ml)
€54.00 *
*The price depends on your country.
5-7 working days delivery Time. Only applies to delivery within Germany and Austria. Other countries may vary.
Content: 200 ml (€22.00 / 100 ml)
€44.00 *
*The price depends on your country.
5-7 working days delivery Time. Only applies to delivery within Germany and Austria. Other countries may vary.